Saturday, January 22, 2011


SEE YA, KEITH: Last night, Keith Olbermann ended his run as host of Countdown on MSNBC. I have to admit, I wasn't watching. And, that has been the case for a while. Countdown had been show I almost never missed. However, Keith's style of attacking everything conservative had started to grate on me. It was like watching the liberal Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck. Don't get me wrong, I still agreed with what Keith said, but I was finding it hard to listen and watch how he was saying it. Maybe that happens with most TV hosts. They have their time at the top and then one day its gone. And so, I thank you Mr. Olbermann for being an important part of my TV viewing life and for providing me with so much valuable information. I also thank you for knowing when to step aside. I'll close this blurb by paraphrasing your method of closing:

This is Blurb #7 posted on January 22, 2011. It's been one day since Keith Olbermann ended Countdown.

(Please comment with your thoughts/opinions.)

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