Thursday, December 09, 2010


In the wake of yesterday's foiled plot in Baltimore, TBR has decided to put Focus On...Homegrown Terror.

Homegrown terror is probably the most concerning form of terrorism that every country might expect to experience. In many countries in the Middle East the concept has become a way of life. But, to America, it is a new but increasing threat.

The following information will enlighten you about the threat and what we can do about it. In order to provide a clear picture of the threat, I have mix current information with some that is a few months old. Remember, no matter what the US Government does to combat any type of terrorism (or generic crime for that matter) you are the greatest deterrent to this type of threat. Be aware of your surroundings and report things that you feel troubling.

1. Baltimore Plot shows more terror home grown. [CBS News]
2. U.S. has 'No Strategy' to confront Homegrown Terror, security group warns. [FOX News]
3. Homegrown terror. [The Washington Post]

4. Cultivating Homegrown Terror. [Real Clear Politics]
5. New report upends "homegrown terror" assumptions. [Salon]
6. US facing attacks by home-grown terrorists, senior adviser warns. [The Telegraph - UK]

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