Monday, October 11, 2010


This past Saturday, October 9th, the world celebrated what would have been John Lennon's 70th birthday. John was a hero to me and I was devastated when he was shot dead in New York City in 1980.

I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to say "hi" to John as our paths crossed on Central Park West in the late 1970s. Of course, having been born in the 1960s, I was a Beatles' fan and John was my favorite. His music, both solo and with The Beatles, is still some of my favorite.

In the years since his death, I have often wondered what would have been had he lived. How much more music would he have given us? Would he have reunited with the other Beatles? But, those are questions that will forever remain unanswered.

Ultimately, John left us great music, the greatest of which contained some lofty, worthwhile challenges:

"Imagine" things happening that you never believed could.

In these times of war, maybe we should "Give Peace A Chance."

And, in the end, "All You Need Is Love."

Happy Birthday, John!

1. All you need is love to imagine Lennon at 70. [The Herald - Scotland]
2. If John Lennon were alive today, who would notice? [The Huffington Post]
3. Imagine, John Lennon at 70: Beatles legend is digitally aged 30 years after death (Slide Show). [The Washington Post]

4. New York City celebrates John Lennon's 70th birthday . [CNN iReport]
5. You may say I'm a dreamer: Happy Birthday, John Lennon. [TruthOut]
6. John Lennon's Dream: His 10 Best Songs (Videos). [The Huffington Post]

7. Ringo and Yoko in Peace tribute. [The Sun - UK]
8. John Lennon fingerprints seized by FBI: Were to be auctioned for $100,000 minimum. [Examiner]
9. Is the FBI still after John Lennon? [IFC News]

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