Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This afternoon, former Senator John Edwards will formally announced that he is suspending his campaign for president. If you have browsed the right hand column of this blog you would have noticed the John Edwards 08 ticker. It is very disspointing to me that his campaign is ending, since he was candidate of choice. I truly believed that he was the best choice for America: a person who came from humble roots to become a success. That experience could only have brought an understanding of how to help others achieve the American dream.

I believe ABC News Reporters Raelyn Johnson and Ed O'Keefe summed up Edwards' campaingn the best:

Edwards fought an uphill battle for the Democratic nomination, with a campaign focused on fighting poverty, uplifting the working middle class and guaranteeing universal health care for all Americans.

What Edwards lacked in votes, he made up for in compassion. His populist message played well with working middle class families. He often touted himself as the candidate from rural America who inherently best understood issues facing a broad swath of voters.

As you probably know, Edwards' had to make a difficult decision in March of 2007 on whether to continue his campaign when he discovered that his wife, Elizabeth, had suffered a recurrence of cancer.

Good Luck, John and Elizabeth!!!

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