Friday, April 23, 2010


It was an interesting week. We had air traffic issues caused by a volcano in Iceland, followed by an oil rig sinking in the Gulf of Mexico and the President speaking at Cooper Union in New York City about financial industry reform. There was the usual political bickering, terrorist bombings and the killing of al-Qaeda leaders in Iraq, and the Yankees turned their first triple-play in forty years. But, tonight I want to forget all of that and focus on some good feeling stories.

This week we learned that a German shepherd in Anchorage, Alaska, lead police back to a fire on his owners property. The dog, Buddy, responded to his owner, Ben Heinrichs, telling him, "we need help." The Alaska State Troopers presented Buddy with an engraved silver-plated bowl for his efforts.

Thumbs up to SpongeBob Square Pants. A 12-year-old Long Island girl saved her best friend's life by performing the Heimlich maneuver on her. The girl, Miriam Starobin, said she learned to maneuver by watching SpongeBob. "It was like a flash right in my eyes. I saw in my head Squidward with his clarinet lodged in his throat and then SpongeBob does the Heimlich maneuver and the clarinet comes flying out of his mouth," she said.

Finally, all-around good-guy, former University of Florida quarterback, Tim Tebow, spent the last few months hearing that he would probably not be selected in the first round of the NFL. There were even one or two predictions having him picked as late as round three. It seems the experts failed to ask the Denver Broncos how they felt about Tebow's abilities. They liked him well enough to make him the 25th pick in the draft.

After a long week full of name calling, bickering, tragedy and mixed economic news, it's nice to have a few things that make you feel that there's still hope for this world. That hope reminds me of a line from an old Bruce Springsteen song, "Reason To Believe":

Struck me kinda funny seemed kind of funny sir to me,
How at the end of every hard earned day people find some reason to believe.

Have a great weekend!

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