Monday, April 26, 2010


So, they did it again. The Republican party once again stands in the way of forward progress. Today, they voted against moving Financial Reform legislation forward. We've seen this before with health care and I am sure we will see it again with virtually everything the Democrats and President Obama attempt to do. Why?

First, it seems to me that the Republicans thought they could scare everyone into thinking the world would end once health care reform passed. Well, it's been weeks and I'm still standing. As I said all along, the bill was not perfect, but it's the best health care bill that's ever been. And, the bill that amends and builds on this bill will then become the best. Immediately after the reform legislation was passed, we heard calls for repeal. But, just a few short weeks later, some Republicans are taking credit for parts of the legislation. I guess your the party of "hell no' until your constituents say, "hell yes!"

Second, the Republicans were initially against Financial Reform. I guess someone got to them and explained that the stance was like cheering for a burglar. So, then you started seeing GOP leaders on news shows talking about the fact that they were now in favor of reform. But, then Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) makes a trip to Wall Street and comes back to lead a charge against reform. Can you say "Flip-Flop?"

Finally, the party seems to have blundered in Arizona where the Republican governor approved an immigration bill which would allow police to compel you to prove you are a citizen. Since there is a large Latino population in the state, opposition groups feel that this will lead to racial profiling. But, John McCain seems to be for the new law even though he has stated that he is not sure that it is legal. Lindsey Graham, Senator from South Carolina, seems to be for the law as well. But his stance is confusing. About a month ago he told President Obama that he needed to become more active in regard to immigration reform. This week when the President came out against the Arizona legislation, Senator Graham has stated that this is not the time for the President to pursue immigration legislation. I'm not sure what you would call this other than trying to have your cake and eat it too.

Inconsistency in politics is not exactly a new concept. However, the fact that it is now a daily occurrence totally disgusts me. I was not a big fan of Ronald Reagan, but I always knew where he stood (and that he stood for something). Today's GOP seems to be for one thing - and one thing only - the failure of Barack Obama's presidency. To reach that goal, they are becoming Republicants, not Republicans. For those who support the party, it must be totally confusing. What does your party stand for? At this point, the answer seems to be nothing. And, like the old saying goes, "you have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."

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